

A psychometric test or assessment measure psychological characteristics such as personality traits, behavioural styles, cognitive abilities, motivations etc. The word psychometric literally means psychological measurement. The definition of ‘psychometric’ combines the words ‘psyche’, meaning ‘mind’, as well as the word ‘meter’, meaning ‘measure’. Therefore, a psychometric test or assessment is a tool that measures a […]

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Behavior is an aspect of the functioning of an organism, including their overt behavior, thought, emotion, and physiological activity. These functions may or may not be directly observable. Behavior is a broader sense, influences both heredity and environmental aspects. Behavior modification is an approach which focuses on observable and measurable behavior, it is concerned with […]

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Happiness is the feeling of joy, satisfaction or prosperity, combined with a sense that one life is meaningful and worthwhile. A “happy person” experience the spectrum of emotions just like anybody else, but the frequency with which they experience the negative ones may differ. It could be that a happy person doesnot experience as much […]

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Anger Management

Anger is a very common feeling that everyone experiences on a daily basis but when it gets out of control and destructive, it can lead to problems at work, problems in personal relationships and overall quality of life. It is a strong feeling that makes a person feel distressed due to some form of provocation. […]

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The thought is covert symbolic responses to stimuli that are either intrinsic (arising from within) or extrinsic (arising from the environment). Thought or thinking is the way to mediate between inner activity and external stimuli. Thinking related to conscious experiences, as the scientific study of behavior developed within psychology, thinking allows humans to make sense […]

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Workplace burnout is a syndrome connect to long-term, unresolved, work-related stress. According to WHO burnout arises from unsuccessful management of chronic work-related stress, its consequence in work syndrome characterized such as a feeling of depletion or exhaustion, increased mental distance from one occupation, decreased professional efficacy. Burnout is a condition of enthusiastic, physical, and mental […]

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Mindfulness is a practice of bringing awareness to the present moment in an attitude of acceptance and non-judgment. One can practice mindfulness through meditation and other practices that we will discuss below. One can intellectually understand mindfulness but its essence lies in experiential understanding. It is not something you can just read about and learn […]

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Anxiety is generally the body physical response to fear. The symptoms might consist of: palpation, rapid breathing, sweaty palm, butterflies in the stomach, burst of energy. Anxiety also motivates us. If we feel a bit anxious about an assignment that is due, it can help us to get it done on time. However, experiencing too […]

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